Owner: Sipay Plus, SL.

VAT number: B60462314

Our core business: Payment methods

Our address: Calle San Rafael 1, Portal 2, 2ºC, 28108, Alcobendas, Madrid.

Our contact telephone number: 914841028

Our contact email address:

Our website:

Our Data Protection Officer, to whom you can contact for any question related to the processing of your personal data through the following channels:

Postal address: Calle San Rafael 1, Portal 2-2ºC, 28108 Alcobendas – Madrid.


For your confidence and security, we inform you that we are an entity registered in the following Mercantile Registry / Public Registry: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 26686, Section 8, Folio 196, Page No. M480942, Entry 7

The person responsible for this website is a regulated profession, for which we provide you with the following information: José Luis Nevado Martínez.

Accessing, using, browsing and participating in the services and activities of the website confers on you, from the outset, the status of user. If you continue browsing, it will be understood that you expressly, voluntarily and unreservedly accept the Terms of Use of the website. If you decide not to accept these conditions, you must refrain from accessing and/or using the content and services we offer on the website.

The User undertakes to read this Legal Notice carefully each time he/she intends to use the website, as this and its conditions of use set out in this Legal Notice may be modified. 

If you have any questions related to our use of your personal data or if you wish to unsubscribe from any of our services, we invite you to visit our Data Protection Plicy website.



Acceptance of the Terms of Use implies that you as a user:

  • You declare and warrant that you are over eighteen (18) years of age and, therefore, have the legal capacity to use the different functionalities that your data requires.
  • declares that you have read, understood and accept in its entirety the content of these Terms of Use and the Data Protection Policy in relation to the purpose of the data processing informed prior to sending you your personal information.
  • You declare that all the information you provide to us using any of our services is true and accurate, without limitations, reservations or falsehoods.


The use and access to the website is free of charge, without prejudice to the cost of connection and data through the corresponding telecommunications network provided by the access as a user.


Intellectual and industrial property.

Who owns the content of the website?

The website and the information or elements contained therein (including, but not limited to, its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, all designs, texts, graphics, icons, buttons, documents, information, sound and/or image files, designs, source code, among others), as well as logos, trademarks, trade names or other distinctive signs,  Industrial rights or any other signs susceptible to industrial and commercial use (hereinafter, the “Content of the website”) are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights, of which SIPAY is the owner or holds a licence or express authorisation for their use and public communication by the legitimate third parties who own them for inclusion on the website.


What are the limits and authorisations for the use of the contents of the website?

As a user, you undertake to make proper use of the content and tools that are accessible through the website, subject to the Law and these Terms of Use.

For this reason, you expressly agree to hold SIPAY harmless from any liability to any person that may arise from your use of the Content of the website that is not in accordance with these Terms of Use or with the legislation in force at any time that is applicable to you.

Under no circumstances shall it be understood that the use of the website grants the user any authorisation or licence, nor that any waiver, transmission, total or partial assignment of intellectual, industrial or image property rights is made, nor that any right or expectation of right is conferred without the prior, explicit and written consent of SIPAY or the legitimate holders of such rights.

Specifically, as a user, you are not authorised to modify, alter, copy, reuse, reinterpret, exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use, treat or distribute in any way all or part of the contents or carry out any act for commercial purposes on the contents of the website without the prior express authorisation of SIPAY or the corresponding owners.

Any use not previously authorised by SIPAY will be considered a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights and may result in the corresponding legal actions.

In the event of total or partial non-compliance by the user with these Terms of Use, SIPAY reserves the right to deny access to the website without prior notice.

SIPAY authorises you to view, download and print the Content of the website under the following conditions:

  • You must do so exclusively for your personal use, not including the content of the website for commercial use without the prior written authorisation of SIPAY;
  • You must not use the Site to send unsolicited or expressly consented advertising;
  • You must not use the content of the website to carry out activities that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order;
  • You must not remove or modify any mention or notice relating to the ownership of copyrights, trademarks, or any other intellectual property provisions included in the content of the website;
  • You must not introduce or disseminate on the network malicious programs (viruses or malware) that may cause damage to the computer systems of the access provider, its providers or third-party Internet users.



What responsibilities does SIPAY assume as the owner of the website?

SIPAY will be solely and exclusively liable to the user for the services provided by itself through the website and for the content directly originated and identified by SIPAY under its distinctive signs.


What responsibilities is SIPAY excluded from?

SIPAY does not guarantee the continuous operation, nor the correct viewing, downloading or usefulness of the information contained in the pages of the website, which may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances that are beyond our control or are beyond our control.

Specifically, SIPAY does not assume any responsibility for damages, losses, claims or expenses caused by:

  • Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, delays, blockages or disconnections, caused by errors in telecommunications lines and networks or by any other cause beyond the control of the SIPAY holder.
  • unlawful interference through the use of malicious programs of any kind and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other;
  • improper or inappropriate use of the website;
  • that the user’s expectations in relation to the website and/or its contents have not been met;
  • receiving, obtaining, storing, disseminating the contents by the users, as well as their illegal, negligent, fraudulent use, contrary to these conditions, good faith, generally accepted uses or public order;
  • the occurrence of force majeure;
  • or that the configuration of the user’s devices is not adequate to allow the correct use of the online information services provided by SIPAY;
  • security or browsing errors caused by a malfunction of the user’s browser or by the use of outdated versions;
  • non-operability or problems with the email address provided by the user through the contact email;
  • the use that users may make of the content;
  • the possible loss of user data due to causes not attributable to the Information Service provided by SIPAY.


However, SIPAY makes itself available to all users, authorities and security forces, to actively collaborate in the removal, or where appropriate, blocking, of all content that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or morality and public order.

In the event that you consider that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify us immediately by any of the means indicated at the beginning of this legal notice. 


Linking Policy.

The website may contain links to other websites or cite the trade name of third parties that have previously authorised SIPAY, such as, for example, links to different social networks where users can follow SIPAY to keep up to date with the latest events and news from SIPAY or links within the articles available on our website. Such third-party websites are the responsibility of third parties (hereinafter, “linked websites”).

If you decide to visit any linked website, you acknowledge and accept that you do so at your own discretion and that it is your sole responsibility to take all necessary measures to protect yourself against viruses and other destructive elements that may arise from them, being also aware that the conditions of use established by the linked website in question will apply to you.  although it may have been accessed through a specific link from the web.

The user agrees to exonerate SIPAY from any liability for any infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights of the owners of the linked websites, from any responsibility for the technical availability of the same, the quality, reliability, accuracy and/or veracity of the services, information, elements and/or contents to which, as a user,  can be accessed.

The establishment of any type of link by SIPAY to a third-party linked website does not imply that there is any type of relationship, collaboration or dependency between SIPAY and the person responsible for the third-party linked website. SIPAY does not guarantee, represent, sponsor, or endorse any linked website owned by third parties linked or cited through the website.

SIPAY will only be responsible for the content provided on the linked websites to the extent that it has actual knowledge of the illegality and has not deactivated the link with due diligence.

In cases where the user considers that there is a linked website with illegal or inappropriate content, they must notify us by any of the means indicated at the beginning of this legal notice, without this communication in any case entailing the obligation to remove the corresponding link.


Protection of Personal Data and Cookies.

SIPAY guarantees full compliance with current national and European regulations on Personal Data Protection as the data controller of personal data through the website.

We process personal data when it is necessary to provide our services and for the performance of our activities.

SIPAY informs the user that, through this website, personal data is processed for various purposes that are informed in detail in our Data Protection Policy and in each of the data collection forms on this website.

SIPAY and our third-party providers establish and use cookies and other technologies to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the proper functioning and display of the content of the website, to store and manage user preferences (for example, related to the language of the website), to enable content, limit user requests to ensure the correct functioning of the website and to compile analytical data on the traffic of users. users (e.g. to know the number of visits to the website).

In our Cookies Policy you will find out more about the cookies we use and how you can set and configure them.


Reservation of the right to modify the Terms of Use.

SIPAY may modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, taking into account the evolution of the website and the contents offered therein, reserving the right to modify, add or remove at any time and unilaterally some of these Terms of Use, if it deems it necessary, either for legal or technical reasons,  or due to changes in the nature or layout of the website, without there being any obligation to notify or inform the user of such modifications, it being understood that their publication on the website itself is sufficient to begin to be applicable.

Any modification will be effective with respect to users who use the website after such modification. The continuation in the use of the website after the publication of any changes will be considered as acceptance of the same, and the user may be held liable for the direct breach of them.

In the event that as a user you do not agree with the updates to the Terms of Use, you may waive them by ceasing to access the website or, if you have provided your personal data, by exercising your rights as indicated in greater detail in our Data Protection Policy.

At the end of these Terms of Use, the last date of its update will always be published, so the changes introduced will be effective as of that date.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction.

SIPAY is based in Spain, so these Legal Terms have been drafted in accordance with Spanish law and applicable European Union regulations. In the event of a conflict, claims or complaints arising from or related to the use of the website will be subject to the aforementioned legislation, without prejudice to the principles governing conflicts of laws applicable to each case.


The user accepts that any claims or complaints against SIPAY arising from or related to the operation or use of the website will be resolved by the court of competent jurisdiction located in Madrid (Spain).

If SIPAY has to make any type of claim, it will do so before the competent court of the user’s domicile or in Madrid in the case of legal persons or non-consumer professionals.

If you access the Site from a location outside of Spain, you are responsible for complying with all applicable local and international laws.


Last updated: 04/15/2024