Why choose a payment gateway?

Digital payments are getting stronger, that´s why shops have to adapt to guarantee the payment process.

How much importance do we show to the payment process? In the time of digitalization and cash vanishing, consumers, today considered “chiefs”, are looking for speed and security when it´s time to pay.

In this situation, shops study different alternatives to satisfy their clients needs. It´s at this point where payment gateways gain more importance, because their job builds on offering digital payment solutions in charge of processing performed operations in establishments, apart from guaranteeing the security and encryption of the same data.

But, why do shops end up with the decision of integrating a payment gateway? To understand more in detail this decision, it´s necessary to know the benefits that they put on the table.

One of the main advantages is the unification of the various payment channels in a single platform. They guarantee a buying experience with independence of the moment, place or channel through which the payment is processed. Different payment applications are being constanly developed and gateways, apart from adapting to changes must always be a step ahead and foresee them.

However, if a shop has never hired a payment gateway, they must have many questions running through their heads like: How do I improve the payment process? How do I guarantee the security to my clients? How does this investment benefit me? To make personalized strategies, define business objectives and implement the most convinient solution for the shop, it´s fundamental to count with a payment gateway that offers counselling services.

In contrast with banks, some gateways offer the possibility to work with multiple banking entities at the same time. This way, thanks to the functionality of the banking balances, shops can redirect purchases to the entity they choose, having in mind the interests of each bank. This is to say, when the dataphone of a shop belongs to a particular bank, all the processed transactions end up in that same banking entity. Nevertheless, with the multibank option, funds can be distributed into different banks and it´s the shops task to choose depending on their interests, giving the chance to take strategic business decisions.

Another attribute is security. As said at the beginning of the article, consumers worry about where their data is stored and how companies use it when they pay. For that, it´s fundamental to count with PCI DSS certified gateways, the highest certification on data security in infrastructure in means of the payment sector. Many gateways invest in this certification to offer the maximum guarantees to their clients, for example Sipay, that counts with the latest version 3.2 level 1 for all their solutions.

Payment gateways offer service and counselling to their clients, not only with payment solutions but also with knowledge and constant innovation and investigation, that allow other functionalities like one click payments, that favors the conversion rate, offering a positive buying experience that helps to retain consumers or the data storage in a safe environment through tokenization, stimulating recurrent purchases.

One of the challenges that companies are facing today, is that the purchasing process is becoming invisible, because of this, user experience is fundamental. On this matter, José Luis Nevado, CEO of Sipay, affirms: “You can´t nod off in this sector, that´s why it´s important to innovate and always be enterprising, helping companies simplify their purchasing process, offering an integrated 360 omnichannel solution”.

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