The mCommerce becomes the most common way to purchase in the Spanish market

This trend has been increasing in our country. It is expected to growth 50% this year and become the most common way to purchase by Spanish consumers.

Now days consumers’ behaviour and their buying habits are changing and evolving to adapt to the opportunities offered by innovation and new technologies. Different reasons are driving consumers’ behaviour such as lack of time for search, comfort and simplicity which favouring e-commerce purchase trend.

Within the e-commerce, the m-Commerce (Mobile Commerce) is an emerging trend to purchase currently in Spain, with a very high growth forecasts, driven by constant connectivity and the use of mobile devices. According to the latest RetailMeNot annual study published by the online magazine Ecommerce News, e-commerce would increase 18.8% this year, placing Spain as one of the countries with the highest growth rate. In that sense, m-Commerce case, expects to increase 50.7%, exceeding global growth forecasts situated at 45%.

Regarding the forecast for this year, according to the study conducted by PwC, users aged between 24 and 45 years are the most willing to purchase through mobile devices consumers. Among those users 12% declared that they preferred mobile payment to make a purchase, while 42% think that this payment tool is the most important not so distant future.

The purchase and therefore payment through mobile devices is still a trend being introduced in Spain, which is gradually becoming more important, but getting it to become a form of mass consumption should be into account the user shopping experience, fundamental aspect based on safety, innovation, simplicity and speed the payment process.

Considering these aspects, the process is make easer and comfort is guaranteed buyers favouring the trust and repeat purchases. From the Department of Communication Sipay Plus, which specializes in smart payment solutions based on innovation and security company, and complying with PCI DSS 3.1, Level 1 certification, Beatriz Nanclares says that «The mobile payment makes that every transaction are quick and simple and can take place at any time and place, is why companies should invest in this new technology, adapting and meeting the emerging needs of the change in consumer behaviour.»

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