The hotel chain, Hotusa, will incorporate the payment gateway, Sipay Plus, in their card payment manage

Hotusa, hotel chain famous in the tourist sector as one of the main hotels consortium in the world and the first in Europe, has trusted in the wide experience of more than 20 years in the payments sector, of Sipay.

The agreement will mean the integration in their hotels of the robust, secure and efficient payment gateway, Sipay Plus, which will permit to Hotusa to manage in a fast and reliable way the credit or debit card transactions, improving significantly their customer experience. Moreover, this solution will reduce the financial costs allowing to Hotusa Group working with different banking issues and making secure, simple and transparent transactions and payments.

Sipay count with the PCI DSS 3.0 certification, one of the maximum security standards in the Credit Card Industry, therefore the integration of his gateway, Sipay Plus, in the payment management of Hotusa, not only will improve the transactions and operations in their hotels but also will increase their client’s confidence because his card credit or debit data are confidential.

The payment gateway of Sipay, permits different operations as authorizations, devolutions, cancellations or integrated management of their hotels and payments, but also it has the possibility to integrate in the terminals functionalities like DCC, which allows the clients to pay in their local currency, TAX FREE, which permits to refund the VAT to those non-European tourist, or Business Intelligence Modules, which permits to analyze the operations behavior to make appropriate choices of the better strategy for each business.

Hotel chain founded in 1977 as an iniciative from the Barcelona Hotels Group, with a dynamic organization compound withan important nomber of companies associated with several range from the tourist sector, between all of them stand out, Eurostar Hotels, Hotusa Hotels, Elysees Hotels, IGM, Keytel, Restel, y Si Travel.

Prize-winning with the Príncipe Felipe award for the touristic excellence in 2008, which is awarded by the Industry, Tourism and Commerce Ministry, nowadays, it has more than 2.500 hotels in 48 countries from the 4 continents and is consider as one of the main hotels consortiums in the world and the first in Europe.


Sipay is a company specialized in developing smart payment solutions for commerce, adapted to each sector and business, both at the point of sale and online commerce, meeting the high security international standards of PCI-DSS 3.0, level 1. Its payment gateway, Sipay Plus, is the central core of Sipay’s strategy, which since more than twenty years is specialized in payment solutions.

Currently, Sipay is the leading company in Spain in card payment solutions, by having the largest deployed base of installed licenses. Among its clients the company has references such as Silken Hotels, Expo Hotels, Costco Wholesale, Mango, Abertis, Adidas, Lladró, Aki Bricolaje, Supermecados Froiz, Carolina Herrera, etc.


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