Will your sales bloom this spring?

The way that products are presented, the knowledge of the customer or the personalization in the payment are determining factors to increase the purchases and achieve the loyalty of your customers.

Spring is in the air, and if anything alters the arrival of this season is fashion. Coats go away, boots are replaced by sandals and for many people it is time to renew their wardrobe. The new season becomes a great opportunity to increase sales for merchants in the sector, whether large or small, online or offline. But how can you make the most of this opportunity?

  1. Way in which the products are presented

First of all, it must kept in mind that today’s customer is the king and therefore, the sales strategy must be based on their needs and preferences. In this sense, it is important to take care of the way in which products are offered: both in a physical store and an online one, because the way in which clothes, footwear or accessories are presented and ordered can become crucial to achieve an increase in interest on the part of the customer, a greater facility to find what the customer is looking for and even a way to suggest new goods. Thus, a structured and attractive website will increase the chances of reaching the shopping cart, just as a cozy and tidy store will invite to the fitting room and to reach the checkout.

  1. Knowledge of the client

Knowing your customers is a great way to achieve two goals: increased sales and loyalty. In the online world, this task is somehow simpler because within the ecommerce there is the possibility of registering your customers and, therefore, have information about their past purchases, the way they move through the platform, their hours of purchase or their preferred payment methods. To take this to the offline environment, there are possibilities such as sending personalized offers (by email, SMS, RRSS, etc.), which can be exchanged later in the physical store. In addition, when approaching the checkout, you can take advantage of the traditional customer cards (which now no longer need physical support), to redeem offers, promotions or discounts.

  1. Personalization in the payment

Although the payment seems to be just a formality within the purchase process, the truth is that it also offers great possibilities in terms of personalization and obtaining consumer data. Nowadays, there are a lot of payment methods, in constant evolution, to which customers adapt very quickly. For this reason, it will be important to offer different payment methods, from the most traditional such as credit cards to others such as e-wallets, as each customer profile will have different preferences. In addition, within the online world this personalization can be taken a step further, offering each consumer the payment methods that best suit them according to their socio-demographic characteristics and their behaviour in previous purchases.

Every day it becomes more difficult to gain the trust and loyalty of a customer, because the options are more and more numerous and the information about them grows continuously. For this reason, the shopping experience must be taken care of as much as possible, because each consumer is unique and will have different needs that must be understood and supplied through the maximum customization throughout the process: from the appearance of the need to the moment of payment. To help with this, there are payment gateways such as Sipay Plus, which make it possible to integrate all the ways of payment required by customers, offer them in a personalised way and obtain data that brings real value to the merchant from the operations carried out, all on the same platform that facilitates the management of the business.

Ready for spring?

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