Secure payment methods are key to ecommerce

Users consider security and comfort fundamental to opt for purchasing in an ecommerce.

Tecnological advances are allowing new digital payment options to appear and the consolidation of existing ones. Much of its success resides in trust, because without it customers don´t feel comfortable making electronic purchases.

To meet the consumers needs, guaranteeing safety and a good shopping experience, ecommerce platforms are opting to offer different paying methods that can provide enough confidence to buyers. In Spain, card payment is the most common, with 85% of the population making use of it, although increasingly more people are tending to use other methods in their day to day.

For its part, 79% of Spanish consumers pay through PayPal, making it the second most widely used method, followed by bank transfers (39%) and payment against reimbursement (28%), according to the anual IAB ecommerce survey.

In the same way as cards are the method of payment most used in Spain at a global level, although consumer preferences change according to the habits and needs of society. For example, in Asia payments through direct debit payments and transfers are widespread, as well as in some European countries. Meanwhile, in North America, one of the most used paying methods are checkes.

When it comes to payment methods, it´s not only consumers who decide which one they prefer to use, it´s the businesses responsibility. In every shop we can see the different payment systems they work with, but if they want to be attractive for the buyers they have to offer options which ease speed and security in payment because consumers increasingly dislike to provide personal data to buy online.

Some payment gateways, taking advantage of its advanced tecnology, adapt themselves to the different payment methods so that their clients guarantee a fast, agile and secure purchase to the consumers, helping to improve their ratios of conversion and fidelization of the buyers. Lina Muriel, Commercial, Marketing and Product Development Director of Sipay, considers that: “We and every payment gateways must offer the possibility of working with every method in the market to our clients and let them be the ones who decide. We can´t stop making innovations and be up to date in our sector because everey day something new comes out.”

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