Click & Rent chooses Sipay´s payment gateway for all their sales channels

Click & Rent, one of the leading companies dedicated to car rental in Mallorca and Valencia, prepares an imminent and qualitative leap in their payment system which will position it at the vanguard of the sector by means of the deployment of Sipay Plus payment gateway in all their sales channels. The Car Rental Company, with more than 30 years of experience in Mallorca, and in middle of an expansion process in the peninsula, has decided to bet on flexibility, reliability and modernity, features which Sipay Plus proposes with a clear objective: offer an easy, complete and safe service in the payment of car rentals.

“Our goal with this big forward step is to provide the best commodities to our clients and at the same time guarantee a better and more agile payment. With this change, our company and our clients win”, has assured Vicente M. Beltrán, executive director of the company.

Sipay will provide Click & Rent a global solution for the payment with credit card. Thanks to the different platforms which payment technology offers for their office network in Spain, with Sipay Plus payment gateway, and also for their online store, via the Sipay E-commerce solution, all the important functionalities of this channel will be satisfied, allowing the optimization of the payment process and the resulting growth of the sales rate conversion.

With the integration of the Sipay gateway in Click & Rent system, the transactions gain security and speed, improving the service to the clients in the point of sale and in the online store. Sipay Plus will allow diverse operations as authorisations, reimbursements, preauthorisation and DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) or operative DCC, thanks to this last option, the payment with credit card could be done with the national coin of the clients.


Click & Rent counts with more than 30 years of experience in Mallorca under the brand Autos Estarellas. Since 2011, the new property of the company, has maintained the familiar and personalized treatment to their clients while at the same time, has been able to position themselves as one of the leading “Rent a car” companies in the Balearic islands. The actual process of expansion to the peninsula has begun in Valencia allowing the expansion of the service to other cities in the coming years. Besides the numerous car rental offices, Click & Rent counts with a web where it is possible to make online reservations and registrations of new users. (


Sipay is a company specialised in providing intelligent solutions of electronic payment adapted to our customers’ needs and their business, which improve the quality and service at point of sale and on-line, fulfilling the high international standards of PCI-DSS security, in its new version 3.0. The payment gateway, Sipay Plus, constitutes the central core of Sipay strategy, specialised in payment since 1994.

At this moment in Spain, Sipay is the leading company specialised in payment with card, having the biggest unfold base of installed licences. Some of their clients are companies such as Goldcar, Centauro, Costco Wholesale, GameStop, Mango, Lladró, Adidas, Akí Bricolaje, Carolina Herrera, Abertis etc.

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